13 New Illinois Laws for 2013
January 3, 2013
15 New Illinois Laws for 2015
January 1, 2015
The new year will add hundreds of new laws to the books in Illinois. Among the new laws, are 14 listed below, which may be of interest, anticipation, curiosity or concern to the residents of Illinois.
- No cell phone use while driving unless hands free. (P.A. 98-506)
- Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act permits use & possession of 2.5 ounces of cannabis to registered persons for certain medical conditions. (P.A. 98 122)
- No one under 18 will be allowed to use indoor tanning beds. (P.A.98-349)
- Right to Vote. 17-year-olds may vote in the primary election if 18-years-old by the following election. (P.A. 98-51)
- “Puppy Lemon Law” requires certain health disclosures by pet shop operators and gives remedies to buyer, including refund, if conditions met. (P.A. 98-509)
- Privacy in School Setting Act bans schools from requesting or requiring access students’ social networking website. (P .A. 98-129)
- Don’t waste the wine. Licensed winery may permit patron to remove one unsealed and partially-consumed bottle of wine for off-premise consumption. (P.A. 98-145)
- Tossing cigarette butts can result in fine for littering. (P.A. 98-483)
- Speed limit increased to 70 m.p.h. on certain interstate highways. (P.A. 98-511)
- School buses equipped with cameras to share with police. So don’t pass a stopped school bus. (P.A. 98-556)
- Different penalties created for speeding in construction zones higher if workers present. (P.A. 98-337)
- Tollway violators named. Names of toll violators owing $1,000 or more may be published online. (P.A. 98-559)
- Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. Marriage of 2 persons of the same gender permitted in Illinois, beginning June 1,2014. (P.A. 98-597)
- Firearm Concealed Carry Act. The Department of State Police shall issue a Concealed Carry License (CCL) to an applicant who meets the requirements, which includes a valid FOlD card, no disqualifying convictions, no pending charges, no alcohol or drug treatment within five years of the application, and successful completion of 16 hours of firearms training. CP.A. 98-63)