Collect Your Debt With a Collection Lawyer From the time money was invented, people with money have made agreements to lend it and borrowers have made promises to pay it back, often with interest. Since then, […]
Greg Martucci will be performing with members of the DuPage County Bar Association, comprising the cast, crew, and band for the DCBA’s 41st Annual Judges’ Nite on Friday, March 4, 2016 at the MAC Theater at […]
Roselle is Standing Up to a Giant Electric Utility You’ve heard the saying “You Can’t Fight City Hall.” Well, this time City Hall is on the side of the people – residents, businesses, politicians, homeowners associations, […]
The U.S. Supreme Court May Give Guidance to Bankruptcy Courts With our nation’s student loan debt now surpassing $1 trillion and projected to rise to $2.5 trillion in the next decade, something has to change soon […]
You Must Act On Signs of Trouble Over the past 3 decades of practice, I have represented numerous Landlords seeking to collect past-due rent and evict bad tenants. A Landlord can save valuable time and money […]