So You Want to Sue Someone
November 10, 2017
Do You Swear To Tell The Truth?
February 5, 2018
Nothing Like the Christmas Season
December is a busy time of year! It is also a joyous time of year for those anticipating Christmas and other holidays. At the end of a cold winter’s day, what can be more enjoyable than settling down on a sofa, hot cocoa in hand, warm stockinged feet facing a toasty fireplace and clicking on one of the classic Christmas movies: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), Miracle on 34th Street (1947), A Christmas Story (1983), or A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)?
As a lawyer, I like the Fred Gailey character from Miracle on 34th Street, valiantly fighting to prove in a court of law that Kris Kringle is the real Santa Claus. His girlfriend, Doris, is upset at him for quitting his prestigious law firm to take on Kris’s case, feeling that he is throwing his career away. After suggesting that he can open his own office, she asks “What kind of cases will you get?” He replies, “Probably people like Kris who are being bullied. That’s the only fun in law anyway.”
Lawyers do value clients who help pay the bills. But most lawyers feel a higher calling, like the fictional Fred Gailey or Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) – to seek justice for their client, to defend the underdog, to right an injustice. And we do have fun when we win these cases. If you have been bullied or wronged by someone in authority, or simply need legal representation, call me at 630-980-8333 – make an appointment – let’s talk. I want to help.