September 5, 2024
Greg Martucci, Candidate
February 18, 2025
The new year added 293 new laws to the books in Illinois. Among the new laws, are 12 listed below, which may be of interest, anticipation or regret to the residents of Illinois:
It Pays to Work: The Minimum Wage is increased to $15.00/hour, after annual increases to the 2019 rate of $8.25/hour. (2019 Law)
No More Parking on the Side of the Road Approaching O’Hare: A driver shall not stop or stand a vehicle on the shoulder of a highway within ½ mile of the east entrance to O’Hare International Airport, or the intersection of I-90 & I-204. Citations will be issued if caught on camera. (P.A. 103-0861)
A Break for Lawyers & Judges/Notaries: A lawyer or judge, or their employee, who is also a notary public, is not required to take the 3-hour training course and pass the examination in order to renew their appointment as a notary public. (P.A. 103-1009)
I left my Driver’s License at home, but I have my Phone: The Secretary of State can now issue mobile I.D.’s and mobile Driver’s Licenses in addition to the hard cards. (P.A. 103-0824)
Relief for those who cannot Breathe: A health insurance plan shall not require a person to pay more than $25 for a 30-day supply of a covered prescription inhaler, or $50 for all covered prescription inhalers for a 30-day supply. (P.A. 103-0951)
There are no more Offenders in Illinois: The Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009 now classifies “offenders” as “justice-impacted individuals.” (P.A. 103-0728)
The Kid is an Angel: A juvenile’s law enforcement and juvenile court record(s) may be automatically expunged 2 years after the case is closed. (P.A. 103-0787)
So, how much does the Job pay and what are the Perks? An employer of more than 15 employees must post the pay scale and benefits in any job posting or face fines.
What do you mean this Power of Attorney doesn’t look right?! It is unlawful for a third party to unreasonably refuse to honor a statutory short form power of attorney if properly executed according to Illinois law.
Fake pics can lead to Real prison: New felony criminal offenses of obscene depiction of a purported child and non-consensual dissemination of sexually explicit digitized depictions were created to address sexually-explicit images created by A.I. (P.A. 103-0562)
No Fees to be added to Rent: Landlords who have established a rent payment portal, must allow Tenants to pay via cash or check to avoid transaction fees. (P.A. 103-0809)
No Spanking at School but maybe Seclusion: The use of corporal punishment is prohibited in all schools, but a policy on discipline shall permit a teacher and others to use reasonable force as permitted concerning time out, isolated time out and restraint to prevent harm to himself, herself or others. (P.A. 103-0806)