New State Laws in 2010
January 1, 2010
Minors consuming alcohol face suspended license
June 9, 2011
January 1, 2011 brought a number of new laws in Illinois. Below are new laws of that may be of interest to you.
Red Light Ticket Review:
All red-light violations must be reviewed by a police officer, retired police officer, or technician not employed by the camera company, and prohibits ticketing a vehicle that comes to a complete stop without entering the intersection. SB 935IPA96-1016.
Sexting by Teens:
A minor who electronically sends an indecent image of another minor, previously resulting in felony charges, can now be brought into juvenile court and ordered into counseling and community service. HB 4583IPA 96-1087.
Child Protection:
Penalties increased for drivers transporting a child passenger who fail to properly secure the child in the appropriate child restraint system. HB 46911PA 96-0914.
Child Sex Offenders:
Unlawful for a parent or guardian to leave their child in the custody of a convicted child sex offender. HB 6464/PA 96-1094.
Commercial Vehicles:
Minimum fine increased to $500 for commercial vehicles that fail to display the name of the company on the side of the vehicle. HB 46731PA 96-1179.
Continuing Education required for Psychologists. HB 56911PA 96-1050.
Credit History Discrimination:
Employer may not inquire about applicant’s or employee’s credit history; or refuse to hire or discriminate against an individual regarding employment, compensation or condition because of credit history; and may not order or obtain applicant or employee’s credit report from a consumer credit agency. HB 4658/PA 96-1426.
Dangerous Animals:
Persons may not possess any primates (monkeys, apes), except at a properly designated facility. HB 4801lPA 96-1219.
FOlD Cards:
Revocation/surrender of FOlD card mandatory upon entry of emergency or civil order of protection if danger of unlawful use of firearms. HB 5489IPA 96-1239.
Intoxicated Vehicle Instructors:
It is a moving violation for a person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs to accompany or provide instruction to a driver who is a minor operating the motor vehicle with an instruction permit. HB 5341IPA 96-1237.
Minor Tatttoos/Piercing:
It is unlawful for a person to falsely represent that he or she is the parent or legal guardian of a minor younger than 18 at a tattoo parlor or body piercing business. HB 4895IPA 96-1311.
Political Signage:
Municipalities may not prohibit political signs on residential property. HB 3785IPA 0904.
Penalty increased for speeding over 30 mph in excess of posted limit and no court supervision for speeding 40 mph or more over posted speed limit. SB 3796IPA 96-1002.
Synthetic Marijuana:
Outlaws two synthetic marijuana-like substances commonly known as K2 or Spice. HB 6459/PA 96-1285.