Child Passenger Protection Act – Extended Age
January 5, 2004
Smoke Free Illinois Act (Public Act 95-0017, Effective 1/1/2008)
January 1, 2008
(Public Act 93-0099; Effective 7/3/2003; Update Effective 1/1/2006)
Law enforcement officers may now stop and ticket motorists solely for seat belt violations. Under the old law, officers could only ticket drivers for seat belt violations when stopping them for some other traffic violation. Now seat belt law violation can be the primary reason motorists are stopped and ticketed. However, officers cannot search or inspect a vehicle, its contents, the driver or passengers if stopped solely for violation of this law. Seat belts are mandatory for all front seat passengers and all passengers under the age of 19, regardless of where they are sitting in the vehicle. Seat belts are optional for adult back seat passengers.