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Today, we remember, reflect upon, and honor those whose lives were lost in the surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 75 years ago on December 7, 1941. Shortly before 8:00 a.m. on a quiet Sunday morning, 353 Imperial Japanese fighter planes, bombers and torpedo planes launched from six Japanese aircraft carriers. The attack sank four U.S. Navy battleships and the USS Arizona, damaged some 20 ships, destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, and killed 2,403 Americans, wounding 1,178 more.
Justice for War Crimes
Following the end of World War II, International Military Tribunals began hearing war crimes trials in Tokyo, Japan against 28 Japanese military and government officials. Of those 28, 25 of which were found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Seven were executed, including General Hideki Tojo, the Japanese premier, Iwane Matsui, who organized the massacre and mass rape of Nanking, China, and Heitaro Kimura, who brutalized Allied prisoners of war. Outside of Japan, other tribunals found some 5000 Japanese guilty of war crimes and executed over 900.
In the civilized world, government officials, as well as individuals and private entities, are held accountable under the Rule of Law, derived from internationally accepted standards of conduct. When people are accused of violating the law, no matter how heinous or evil that conduct may be, they are entitled to have their guilt or innocence determined by an independent tribunal or court. In some tribunals, including American courts, the accused is entitled to be represented by a lawyer. Only after a conviction is the accused subject to the imposition of a sentence or justice.
While we don’t have many clients accused of war crimes, Martucci Law represents people accused of violating traffic and criminal laws in Illinois. If you or someone you know has been arrested and are facing traffic or criminal charges or loss of driving privileges, call Martucci Law today at 630-980-8333 to schedule your free initial office consultation. Learn how we can protect your constitutional rights and help you out of a legal hardship.