Should Student Loan Debts Be Forgiven?
January 25, 2016
Supporting DuPage Legal Aid
March 2, 2016
Roselle is Standing Up to a Giant Electric Utility
You’ve heard the saying “You Can’t Fight City Hall.” Well, this time City Hall is on the side of the people – residents, businesses, politicians, homeowners associations, community organizations, and civic-minded law firms – all united in trying to stop (or bury underground) ComEd’s surprise plan to erect 170-foot high-voltage electric towers, on steel poles planted 700 feet apart, along a 9-mile stretch of the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway from Bartlett to Itasca.
ComEd’s plan is to begin construction in 2017 to build these monstrous towers adjacent to residential neighborhoods in Roselle, Schaumburg and connected communities.
Not only would these high-voltage power lines create a frightening aesthetic eyesore, the humming would add noise pollution, the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) would expose nearby residents to a suspected, though unproven cancer risk, and the value of nearby homes would surely plunge while “For Sale” signs soar.
In response to ComEd’s confident position (“We have a right-of-way and can do whatever we want to”), the people are fighting back! ComEd’s Proposed New West Central Transmission Line cannot proceed without approval (certificate of public convenience and necessity) from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), which has not yet received ComEd’s Application. However, the ICC is now accepting public comments on the project. Join this epic David vs. Goliath fight and post your comments in opposition to this unnecessary and detrimental project on the ICC website before it’s too late.